Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Preparing a way for the Legions

Revamped field project could bring in $5.5 million

SHELBY - To make money, you have to spend money.

In Cleveland County, the $700,000 to 800,000 investment from local donors to improve Shelby High's Veteran's Field at Keeter Stadium for the American Legion World Series is expected to return more than $5.5 million to the local economy, according to Eddie Holbrook, co-chairman of the World Series.

Renovations on the stadium began in the fall and will be completed at the end of March or early April, Holbrook said. Additional sprucing up, including painting, will be done just before the World Series begins in late summer.

The bathrooms, concession stand, press box, seating and fences are all getting a face-lift for the almost 40,000 baseball fans expected to attend.

"It's a pretty massive undertaking," Holbrook said. "It will basically be a whole new stadium."

The goal is to make the field one of the finest in the area and make it attractive for future events, he said.

In addition to the World Series, Shelby will host the Southeastern Regional in August. It's the first time both a regional and the World Series have been hosted by a single city.

American Legion National Director Jim Quinlan said more than 1,280 players would be in town and more than 2,500 hotel rooms would be needed.

Restaurants, gas stations and shopping centers are all expected to benefit from the influx of people into the county for the tournament.

"It's going to be a tremendous event for our county and city," Holbrook said.

Money for the improvements has been raised behind the scenes from local businesses and individual donors, Holbrook said.

Many of those businesses proudly display signs promoting the World Series on their grounds.

In the coming months, he said marketing and fund raising would go public.

"It's been very, very good thus far," he said.

The Southeastern Regional games are Aug. 13-18.
The American Legion World Series is Aug. 21-26.
Both will be held at Shelby High's Veteran's Field at Keeter Stadium.

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