Friday, June 13, 2008

Stadium update - Friday, June 13

Star assistant sports editor Gabe Whisnant dropped by Veterans Field and Keeter Stadium on the way into work on Friday afternoon to take a look at the upgrades. Many have said it all along, but there's no doubt Shelby will have one of the top high school/legion facilities around when the renovation is completed. According to Southeast Regional and World Series committee co-chairman, Eddie Holbrook, the stadium is about a week away from being completed.

Look for a story on the renovation in Sunday's Star and online at and Here are a few of the pictures Gabe took on Friday, June 13.

Stadium front

Stairs and elevator to pressbox

Close up of pressbox

Canopy down 3rd baseline

Canopy down 1st baseline

Columns and fencing down right side of stadium

New stands down rightfield line

Concessions center

A few shots inside the pressbox

New bathroom

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